How To Resist The Great Reset | Know The Difference Between What Comes From Man And What Comes From God


How To Resist The Great Reset

Know The Difference Between What Comes From Man And What Comes From God

Science VS God

It’s really very simple, yet very hard. The simple answer is to put God above Science. The Globalists behind the ‘New World Order’ now pushing The Great Reset and The Green New Deal do not have your interests or the planet’s interests in mind. They say it’s for your health and the health of the planet, but it’s their idea of what’s good. They are anti-God. They see themselves as God. Furthermore, they are using science, the internet and ultimately AI to become God. And that means a God who Controls everyone else, whether you like it or not not or even if you were aware of it or not. In fact, they would prefer you NOT be aware, because if you were, you would never agree to any of this. This is the reason for all the censorship.

Conspiracy Fact

It’s like the analogy of putting a frog in a pot of water and slowly turning up the heat until they die, versus just throwing the frog into an already boiling pot. You aren’t even aware that you are slowly killing yourself, and you Like it. This is exactly what they are doing. It’s all planned in advance. Only if you know the plan can you see it. To everyone else, everything seems random and not connected. They think you are stupid. (Well, a lot of you are.) They keep you distracted with all kinds of contrived outrage against each other so you don’t pay attention to what they are really doing. And when you do point out what they are doing, they can just say you are a crazy conspiracy theorist and censor you as You are the one who is dangerous.

How To Distinguish Between What Comes From Man And What Comes From God

It’s very simple. Whatever is man made through the addition of synthetic material, or not found naturally in nature, comes from Man. Anything naturally found in nature, or the combination of naturally made material (with the exception of what God has instructed us not to mix), comes from God.

The Rabbis Can’t Even Make The Correct Distinction

“Everything comes from God”. The rabbis have utterly confused the context by comparing what man makes as having come from God since if God enabled man to make it, it must have His approval and be for our good. So how about that Nuclear energy? Well, they say that everything can be either used for good or for evil. Really? So how can say a banana or an apple be for our good or evil? How can water? Trees? That analogy only really works for man made things, or with man’s intervention. Why do religious Jews then still don’t own televisions?

How Technology Intertwines With Torah And God

The new dilemma now being discussed in Rabbinic circles is how modern technology interacts with Jewish Law/Torah. This is evident in how kashrut is determined. We now face the reality of 3D printed food, specifically meat made solely from cow muscle cells grown in a lab. There is a restaurant here in Israel already selling this for consumption. Is it kosher? The Rabbis would consider it kosher solely by virtue of the absence of dairy. But if it’s kosher, is that the same as coming from God? Is it healthy and safe? These questions are not even considered, and so the public is given a false sense of security thinking well, our religious leaders, who are supposed to be wise and able to discern these things, think this is ok, it must be ok from a Godly perspective.

This couldn’t be further from the Truth. There needs to be a fundamental paradigm shift in thinking of what is considered kosher. The word ‘Kosher’, which if it means ‘what is proper’, should then mean not just that it doesn’t contain both meat and milk, but what is natural and comes from God which is healthy. Likewise, if it is man made, it cannot be considered kosher, therefore it cannot be healthy. We see this when we look at GMOs, and artificial flavors and colors in food, yet they are still labeled as kosher. This is definitive proof that the rabbis have greatly misinterpreted and gone off the path of God’s original intentions.

How This Connects To The Green New Deal And Climate Change

Wind and solar energy are clean and renewable. It comes from God. It’s hard to say anything against it. But when these Global leaders also say we need to stop eating natural food (meat) because it’s bad for the planet, then want you to start eating synthetic man made food (made from science which is deemed better than what God created), or even worse, insects to replace it – which goes against God and Torah, it not only provides a mixed and confusing message, it confuses what comes from man and God. If God is good, and created the Earth and everything on it for our benefit, then how are cows bad for us (if in the Torah we are told we can eat it)? Only spiritually in-tune people can see through this. And this is how and why they ultimately want to destroy religion, by saying these things are bad for the Earth and only science can make it better. They don’t care about the Earth, they are only using this as a way to gain control for their own benefit, not yours. They want control over the food supply in the name of science to force you to only consume what they want, to enrich themselves while they still eat what they want. They will eventually pass laws to make it illegal to even grow your own food in your own yard. All they have to do is say it’s ‘dangerous’. Have you noticed that’s the new word for literally everything now that goes against this narrative?

We Must Get Back To Natural Health

This is the solution to both the pandemic and Climate Change. This is one way we can still assert our control over our own health and body. They can’t control us unless we let them. We must assert our control by both words and actions. More about that in the next post….


Global leaders ignore and suppress natural medicine not because it doesn’t work, but because they can’t control it (own it or profit from it). It is well known and you may already be aware that aspirin was invented by creating a synthetic version of a natural component found in willow tree bark that was used for ages for swelling and pain.

There is no reason to censor opposition to mainstream health care. The science is never settled. Scientists are constantly testing theories and learning new things.  As an example, one minute we are told eggs are bad because of cholesterol, then we are told they actually help raise good cholesterol. Proving once again that God is good.

I Am Not Saying Ignore Science Or Doctors

I am not anti-science. I believe in scientific testing of natural medicine. Many natural things have already been tested as safe and effective for a variety of health issues with no adverse side effects. Again, going back to comparing what comes from God versus what comes from Man. Man’s tampering with nature has shown to both heal one thing, yet at the same time cause other adverse health effects.

I believe natural medicine should be utilized in conjunction with Western medicine. If you are not feeling well, go to the doctor. Have tests done. Get a diagnosis. Then you should be given a choice of natural medicine or conventional medicine. If the natural method and nutraceuticals aren’t working for you, then take pharmaceuticals or combine both. In emergency situations, you should not hesitate to use any modern medical intervention available to save your life.

Which Brings Up ‘The Shot’

There is no such thing as a totally safe man made medicine. We are led to believe this ‘shot’ is our only hope. They succeed in convincing us by censoring any other alternative – even other man made medicines. It should be enough to raise an internal warning something is not right. So even though you may not at first know exactly what the intentions are, you should know that whatever they are, they are not good. And now, in light of what we do know about the Great Reset, among other things, we can see this ‘shot’ may initially stop the original virus, but will unleash horrific effects both in the short term and long term. These things I cannot mention due to censorship, but we are starting to see it now and I feel this pit of doom in my stomach for what’s to come. And the global leaders who are causing this, want this – all while telling you lies with a straight face that ‘the science will win’ to keep you enslaved like sheep to the slaughter.

Friends, We Are In The Midst Of Destroying Ourselves

And I’m not talking about climate change. It seems we cannot rely on Anyone anymore, not even our rabbis. I have come to the conclusion that unfortunately the whole rabbinical establishment will be destroyed by their own doing by not knowing the difference between Man and God. This is evidenced by their own idolatry with rabbi worship. Also, the Talmud has no basis or relevance to guide us through these modern times. Unfortunately, I feel this actually needs to happen to bring us back to observing true Torah, with the Kohanim and the Temple.

We will soon be faced with the consequences of our reliance on Science and Man. Men, who promised us salvation and life, but only led us to our death, destruction and enslavement. Then the world will come to repentance and cry out to God. But again, you are still looking for a man, a ‘Messiah’. When your Savior has been there all the time, in the words of the Torah spoken by the living, eternal creator, the God of Israel, Yehovah.

You can save yourself now just by returning to the creator and relying on His laws, Yehovah is the only Moshiach we need.

I might explain in greater detail more ways to resist what’s coming in another post. Stay Tuned…

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.


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